Chartist Ancestors Databank
You can download the complete Chartist Ancestors Databank from this page.
The Chartist Ancestors Databank is an Excel document listing more than 14,000 Chartists and providing basic details where available of their address, occupation, or involvement in various aspects of Chartism, whether as conference delegates, contributors to Chartist causes of subscribers to the Chartist Land Company.

The information is drawn from a wide variety of sources. The biggest single set of data was generously contributed by Professor Jamie Bronstein and was transcribed by her from the Land Company share register during her research into Lancashire Chartists.
Other major sets of data were supplied by Professor Malcolm Chase, Dr Katrina Navickas, Sue John, and Peter Cox. I have attributed the source of each line of the database (and in turn the contributors have attributed their original sources).
I am grateful to all those who have helped me pull this project together.
The Chartist Ancestors Databank is here for you to use. It may be downloaded, cross-referenced against other material and analysed in any way you see fit as part of a legitimate research project, whether academic or genealogical.
If you want to use it as the centre-piece of a more major piece of work, please get in touch. I have no wish to prevent you using the data, but would like to alert the original contributors and ensure they are happy with your proposed use.
The Chartist Ancestors Databank may NOT be used for commercial purposes.
Click the link to download the Chartist Ancestors Databank (XLSX format)