Gammage’s index of Chartists
Robert Gammage was both a prominent Chartist and the first real historian of Chartism. Written in 1854 and published the following year, his History of the Chartist Movement 1837-1854 set the tone for 100 years of Chartist history.
Gammage (pictured right) was born around 1820 in Northampton, and became active in politics after Henry Hetherington of the London Working Men’s Association visited the town to form an offshoot of the organisation there. As a young man, he swiftly gained experience as a public speaker before departing in 1840 on a journey around England that would bring him into contact with many of the leading figures within Chartism.
In 1852, Gammage was elected to the executive of the National Charter Association after Ernest Jones effectively took control of the organisation. However, he was out of sympathy with Jones and his increasingly socialist faction and joined James Bronterre O’Brien to establish the short-lived National Reform League.
After a chequered career in which he was frequently forced to move on because of his Chartist activities, Gammage became first an insurance agent and later a doctor, practising in Newcastle for the best part of 30 years. He retired in 1887 and returned to his home town of Northampton, where he died the following year after falling from a tram.
Written so soon after the events in describes, and by an author who had participated in many of them, Gammage’s book is by no means an impartial account of Chartism. He abhorred Feargus O’Connor, and this much is plain from his writing. However, Gammage was trying to write history rather than polemic, and though he cannot hide his views, the story of the Chartist movement is presented as fairly and accurately as he could manage.
Gammage himself described the book as “principally a record of, rather than a commentary upon events, and the men engaged in them”, although he conceded that he would not hesitate “make any observations which may appear to be necessary, for the historian should not be a mere recorder of the actions of men, but should also search into, examine and give his candid opinion as to the springs of those actions, and the manner in which they have been performed”.
The history was first published in 1854 – at a time when Chartism was still very much alive, as a consequence of which it does not deal with its final stages. The author continued to work on the book, however, and a second, revised edition was published in 1894, some years after his death. This account has heavily influenced later historians of Chartism, and is required reading for anyone wanting to understand how Chartism developed and how its leading personalities related to each other. And it is from this edition that the index of names below is taken.
The index was drawn up after Gammage’s death by a Sunderland solicitor, Thomas Marshall. The version carried here includes the names of all individuals from the original index, but omits other entries, for towns and cities, events and so on. Marshall’s index is far from complete – individuals appear in the body of the book but not in his index. But it is a valuable starting point for family historians in particular.
Page references here related to the 1894 edition, as reprinted in facsimile edition by The Merlin Press in 1969.
Abinger, Lord, trials before, 240; ferocity of, 241
Able, Alfred, trial of, 338
Adams, James, opposes O’Connor at Glasgow, 353
Ainley, G., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Aitken, Willia, Trial of, 235
Allinson, John, 237
Angus, W., trial of, 343
Argue, H., trial of, 338
Armitage, Cornelius, arrested, 151
Armitage, Isaac, jun., arrested, 151
Armitage, Isaac, sen., arrested, 151
Ashtron, William, tiral of, 178, 262; opposes O’Connor, 263
Aston, Thomas, sentenced to death, 152
Atkinson, R., arrested, 333; tried 337
Atwood, Thomas, MP for Birmingham, 15; speech at Glasgow, 21, 42; advocates National Strike, 43; presents petition to Parliament, 138
Aust, James, trial of, 165
Ayr, James, speech at Newcastle, 24; at Birmingham, 82; arrested, 149; trial, 174
Bailie, Hugh Craig, elected to Convention
Bairstow, Jonathan, speech by, 209, 210; arrested, 228; tried, 237
Bairstow, W., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Ball, David, trial of, 179
Barker, Joseph, trial of, 178
Barnett, trial of, 180
Bartholomew, James, trial of, 175
Bartlett, trial of, 180
Beaumont, Augustus, character of, 15
Beesley, William, trial of, 237
Bell, John, arrested, 151; sentenced, 174
Benbow, William, 152; trial of, 179
Benfield, Richard, trial of, 165; sentenced to death, 169
Bennison, Joseph, committed, 173; tried, 175
Bentley, Samuel, committed, 173
Binns, George, his character, 32; speech, 34; arrested, 148; trial of, 181; death, 401
Bland, J., trial of, 337
Bolwell, trial of, 180
Booker, Thomas, committed, 173; tried, 175
Booth, Timothy, arrested, 152
Bottomley, T., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Bowker, Charles, trial of, 343
Bowler, A., trial of, 337
Bowring, Dr., 5,6
Bradley, John, committed, 152; tried, 158
Bradley, R., trial of, 337
Bramwich, H.H., 214
“Brassier, Simon de,” 361
Brewster, Rev. Patrick, 84
Briton, James, arrested, 151
Briton, Solomon, trial of, 165
Brook, Robert, trial of, 235
Brooke, William, trial of, 176
Brougham, Lord, 4
Brown, Dillon, 52; arrested, 122
Brushworth, George, arrested, 151
Bryne, arrested, 172; tried, 181
Burn, W., trial of, 338
Burns elected to the Convention, 70
Bussey, Peter, his character, 66; at Glasgow, 121
Butterfield, H., trial of, 337
Butterworth, William, trial of, 178
Cairns, S., arrested, 337
Campbell, Alexander, 298
Campbell, John, arrested, 228
Cardo, William, elected to Convention, 67
Carpenter, William, editor of “Charter”; 19; elected to Convention, 65
Carrier, William, elected to Convention, 68; presentation to, 79; trial of, 152, 180
Carrigan, M., arrested, 337
Cardledge, informer, 233
Cherry, arrested, 172
Clark arrested, 172
Clayford, Joshua, trial of, 175
Clayton, John, committed, 173; tried, 175
Cobbett, William, opposition to Poor Law, 4, 62
Cobden, Richard, 253; discussion with O’Connor, 254
Cockerham, J., trial of, 337
Cockburn, speech at Newcastle, 137
Coleridge, Justice, 174, 175
Collins, John, 15; speech by, 35; at Liverpool, 81; arrested, 133; trial of, 151; sentenced, 152; release of, 184; banquet to, 185; death of, 401
Connor, W., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Cooper, Thomas, history of, 201; “Lion of Freedom”, 203; and O’Brien, 204; “Shakesperian General”, 226; arrested at Burslem, 228; trial, 229, 240; “Purgatory of Suicides”, 240, 273; at Leicester, 242; plan for Annual Conference, 244; refuses to join O’Connor, 273, 347; proposes resolutions, 274, 280; attacks O’Connor’s Land Plan, 276, 277, 278; expelled Leeds Conference, 280
Copley, George, arrested 333; tried 337
Cox, Robert, trial of 175
Crabtree, John, trial of, 178; again arrested, 333; tried, 337
Crawford, Sharman MP, 5, 7; plan of obstruction, 253, 284
Cuffay, W., 308, 317; arrested, 338; tried, 340; transported, 340
Darwin, J., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Davidson, F.R., trial of, 178
Davies, Charles, arrested, 151; tried, 158
Deegan, elected to Convention, 67; arrested, 152
Deolin, P., arrested, 337; tried, 343
Devyr, Thomas, arrested, 149
Dickinson, sentenced, 152
Disraeli, Benjamin, speech on Petition in Parliament, 141
Donovan, D., arrested, 337; tried, 343
Doubleday, speech at Newcastle, 23; death of, 401
Dowlan, J., arrested, 337; tried, 343
Downe, J., arrested, 333; tried 337
Dowling, W., trial of, 180
Doyle, C., arrested, 152; tried, 178, 237
Drake, Thomas, trial of, 176
Duffy, trial of, 175
Duke, James, trial of, 180
Durham, John, 235
Duncan, Abraham, elected to Convention, 70; speech at Aberdeen, 81; and O’Connor, 84, 115; emigrates, 401
Duncombe, T., MP, presents Petition to Parliament, 209; motion in Parliament, 241; tour of, with O’Connor, 251; presentation to, 253; returned for Finsbury, 284
Edmonds, Edmund, trial of, 165
Edwards, trial of, 152, 178
Elliott, Ebenezer, 47, 48; death of, 401
Ellis, H., arrested, 337
Ellis, William, conviction of, 229
England, I., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Erle, Justice, 343
Essler, Rev. W., arrested, 152
Evans, arrested, 172
Fairplay, J., trial of, 158
Fay, trial of, 338; transported, 340
Fell, T., trial of, 337
Fenny, elected to Convention, 67; arrested, 152
Fielden, John, 61; character of, 63
Fife, Sir Joh, 149
Finnigan, J., arrested, 337
Fletcher, Dr, 114
Fox, Charles, trial of, 175
Fraser, John, 48, 84
Frith, Nathaniel, trial of, 343
Frost, John, character of, 69; and Lord Russell, 106; at Blackwood, 116; at Glasgow, 118; at Newport, 162; arrested, 163; tried, 165; sentenced to death, 169; sentence reduced, 170; conditional pardon, 256
Frost, Henry, arrested 163
Fussell, arrested, 122; tried, 335
Gammage, R.G., 97, opposes O’Connor’s land scheme, 247; and the Manchester Council, 259; history of, 387; and Ernest Jones, 395
Gill, William, elected to Convention, 67; sppech by, 118
Glennan, T., arrested, 333
Graham, James, 303
Greenslade, G., trial of, 338
Griffin, hostile witness, 235
Guest, arrested, 134
Gullimore, George, trial of, 175
Gurney, Baron, conduct of, 230
Gurney, William, arrested, 338
Halley, elected to Convetnion, 70
Hallings, J., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Harewood, Earl of, 113
Harney, George Julian, elected to first Convention, 28; his character, 29; physical force advocacy, 109; arrested, 134; oration at Holberry’s grave, 215; editor of “Northern Star”, 229; trial, 235; attacks Lord Palmerston’s foreign policy, 284; and O’Connor, 344; advocates Republicanism, 344; dispute with Ernest Jones, 383
Harrison, spy, 176
Harrison, Christopher, 254
Hatslead, F., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Haynau, General, in England, 355
Heaton, J., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Hetherington, Henry, his character, 7; death of, 349
Heyworth, Laurence, 243
Higgins, Timothy, arrested, 151; tried, 158
Hill, Rev. William, Editor Northern Star, 17, 190, 218, 241
Hobb, arrested, 172
Hobson, Joshua, 190; scheme of, 248
Hodgetts, speech at Manchester, 61
Hoey, Peter, trial of, 178
Holberry, Samuel, committed, 173; trial, 175; death of, 213; public funeral, 214
Holdsworth, James and Paul, trial of, 176
Holmes, John, trial of, 158
Holroyd, D., trial of, 337
Holyoake, G.J., 349, 379
Howell, Jeremiah, sentenced to death, 152
Hume, J., 5, 7; his party, 347
Hunt, Henry, trial of, 343
Hutton, trial of, 178
Ibbetson, T., trial of, 343
Ickersgill, Isaac, arrested, 333; tried, 337
Jackson, of Macclesfield, trial of, 180
Jackson, Rev. W., arrested, 152; trial of, 178
Jefferson, Isaac, trial of, 343
Jenkinson, Rev. John, 37
Johnson, General, supports petition, 142
Johnson, George, trial of, 237
Johnson, Isaac, arrested, 152; trial, 180
Jones, Charles, elected to Convention, 70; death of, 151
Jones, Ernest, moves Cooper’s expulsion from Conference, 280; history of, 281; speeches by, 299, 329; trial of, 335; dishonourable conduct of, 360; attacks O’Connor, 361; his leadership, 381; conflict with Harney, 383; contests Halifax, 391
Jones, John, sentenced to death, 152; conditional pardon of, 256
Jones, T., trial of, 338
Jones, William, arrested, 163; tried, 169; speech by, 211; again arrested, 229
Kaye, John, trial of, 178
Kelly, Fitzroy, Counsel for Frost, 167
Kilvington, T., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Knox, elected to Convention, 67
Kossuth, L., in England, 377; and O’Connor, 378
Kydd, Samuel, 286, 331, 341, 350
Lacey, W., trial of, 338
Leach, James, 184, 211; arrested, 228; tried, 238; again arrested, 337
Leader, J. Temple, 5, 6; speech by, 50; motion by, in Parliament, 170
Leaman, J., arrested, 337
Leatherland of Kettering, 117
Lee, E., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Leeming, J., trial of, 337
Leno, J.B., 346
Lightowler, D., trial of, 343
Linden, D., trial of, 343
Lingard, Joseph, trial of, 175
Linney, Joseph, arrested, 229
Livesey, John, arrested, 152; trial, 180
Livings, arrested, 172
Looney, Francis, trial of, 335
Lovel, John, trial of, 165; sentenced to death, 169
Lovett, William, Secretary of Association, 6; his character, 10; at Westminster, 47; elected to Convention, 53; signs Birmingham resolutions, and is arrested, 133; tried, 151; sentenced, 152; released, 184; and the Bill of Rights, 243; death of, 401
Lowe, trial of, 180
Lowery, Robert, speech at Newcastle, 26; elected to first Convention, 28; his character, 29; speech by, 48; at Liverpool, 81, 115; at Glasgow, 121; refused hearing in Dublin, 159
Macauley, Lord, opposes petition, 209
Mair, elected to Convention, 70
Mantle, G.J., at Manchester, 357
Markham, John, 203
Marsden, John, trial of, 175
Marsden, Richard, character of, 65, 108
Marshall, John, committed, 173; tried, 175
Martin, P., trial of, 338
Martin, William, trial of, 158
Mason, John, arrested at Newcastle, 149; trial, 174; speech by, 211; arrested at Stafford, 227; presentation to, 349; emigrates, 349
Massey, Gerald, 346
Matthew, elected to Convention, 70
McCartney, Bernard, trial of, 237
McFarlan, John, 213
McManus, sentenced to death, 342
M’Douall, Dr., character, 66; committed, 152; trial, 158; release, 187; reward offered for, 228; escapes to France, 229; trial, 235; returns to England, 258; quarrel with O’Connor, 258
Meager, T.F., arrested, 299; trial, 332; sentenced to death, 342
Mealing, elected to Convention, 68
Meeke, Rev. J.C., 37
Melbourne, Lord, his Ministry, 192
Miall, at Birmingham, 243
Mills, elected to Conention, 68
Mitchell, James, arrested, 151; trial, 158
Mitchell, John, 296; arrested, 299, 310; transported 332
Molesworth, Sir William, 5, 6
Mooney, James, trial of, 235
Morgan, Jacob, trial of, 165; sentenced to death, 169
Morris, Charles, trial of, 179
Mortimer, Mary, arrested, 333
Murdin, Peter, trial of, 179
Murphy, deputation to Glasgow, 21
Napier, Col. William, 78; dispute with Vincent, 79
Napoleon III, 2, 79
Neesom, C.H., elected to Convention, 68; arrested, 172
Nugent, Lord, 349
Oastler, Richard, 55
O’Brien, James Bronterre, starts “Operative”, 18; his character, 71; history, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76; oratory of, 77; the petition, 90; opposes Free Trade, 103; speech by, 114; at Glasgow, 119; at Newcastle, 136; trial at Newcastle, 149, 174; arrested in London, 153; at Liverpool, 178; controversy with O’Connor, 192; at Leicester, 2003; and Cooper, 204; “British Statesmen”, 206; criticises Land Plan, 268; challenges O’Connor, 269; O’Connor’s treatment of, 274; retires from Convention, 312
O’Brien, Smith, arrested, 299; trial, 332
O’Connell, Daniel, ally of Whigs, 4; relation to Democrats, 5; people’s Charter, 6; opposes petition, 142; and Lowery, 159; apostacy of, 164
O’Connor, Feargus, sketch of, 13; his popularity, 14, 17; starts “Northern Star”, 16; speech at Newcastle, 26; at Birmingham, 44, 84; description of, 45; at Westminster, 50; at Manchester, 60; at Liverpool, 81; at Brighton, 82; and moral force, 83; on Stephen’s arrest, 101; on relation, 113; at Convention, 123; trial at Manchester, 152; proposes new organisation, 160; trial at Sheffield, 175; denounces O’Connell, 176; controversy with O’Brien, 192; at Bath, 207; discussion on his policy, 209; arrested, 228; trial at Lancaster, 231; address to jury, 238; at Birmingham Conference, 243; his treatment of rival leaders, 246; scheme of organisation, 247; his duplicity, 248; Land Scheme, 249, 261, 268, 269, 288; and the Executive, 250; tour of, 251; his exaggeration, 252; debates with Cobden, 254; supports Sturge, 256; dispute with M’Douall, 258; his Land Scheme opposed, 261; Newport riots, 265; approves Corn Law proposals, 270; O’Connorville, 283; returned for Nottingham, 285; press attacks on, 287; defends his Land Plan, 288; his financial position, 289; at Preston, 297; speech to Convention, 305; and the police, 315; presents petition, 316; challenges Cripps, 318; at Manchesterm 322; decline of his power, 331; controversy with Harney, 344; motion by, defeated, 348; collision with Executive, 357; mental condition, 373; and L.Kossuth, 377; removal to lunatic asylum, 390; death of, 401
O’Donohue, sentenced to death, 342
O’Higgins, Daniel, 158
O’Malley, Rev. Thaddeus, 322
O’Neil, Arthur, arrested, 230
Osborne, elected to Convention, 68
Oswald, M.P., opposes Petition, 142
Otley, Richard, trial of, 237
Owen, Robert, his policy, 75; stands for parliament, 284
Paine, Thomas, 38
Palmerston, Lord, his foreign policy, 189
Parkes, Samuel, trial of, 237
Parry, resolution by, 245
Patridge, of Newport, arrested, 163
Pattison, Mr Justice, 157
Peddie, Robert, trial of, 176, 177
Peel, Sir Robert, 4, 5; Corn Law proposals, 270
Penthorpe, Thomas, committed, 173; tried, 175
Philp, R.K., 205, 209, 213
Pierce, 244
Pilling, Richard, trial of, 237
Pitkeithly, Laurence, 64
Plant, B., trial of, 337
Platt, Baron, 340
Pollock, Sir F., Counsel for Chartists, 165, 170, 232
Potts, William, 79; trial of, 152, 180
Powell, informer, 339
Power, E., trial of, 343
Powls, T., trial of, 175
Quinn, J., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Radcliffe, S., trial of, 333
Radcliffe, T., trial of 158
Railton, Thomas, trial of, 235
Ramsden, J., trial of, 337
Rankin, T., trial of, 337
Rawsthorne, T., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Reece, John, trial of 165; sentenced to death, 169
Reynard, arrested, 172
Reynolds, G.W.M., 298, 308; his newspaper, 354; retires, 377
Richards, John, elected to Convention, 67; trial of, 240
Richardson, J., trial of, 338
Richardson, R.J., 52; speech at Glasgow, 119; arrested, 152; trial of, 178
Riddelholgh, J., trial of, 343
Riley, Edward, trial of, 158
Ritchie, William, tried, 338; transported, 340
Roberts, David, arrested, 151; tried, 152
Roberts, Francis, sentenced to death, 152
Roberts, W.P., 79; trial of, 180
Robespierre, 73, 74
Robins, John, 117
Roebuck, J.A., 5, 6; defends Chartists, 152
Rolfe, Baron, trials before, 232; impartial conduct of, 239
Ross, David, 269, 278
Russell, Lord John, “finality” declaration, 4; opposes Democratic amendment to address, 5; speech by, 92; deprives Frost of his J.P. commission, 106; opposes petition, 140, 138
Ryder, William, 64; resigns, 113
Rymill, John, 346
Sagar, W, arrested, 333; tried, 337
Savage, trial of, 180
Scadding, E., trial of, 338
Scholefield, Rev. James, trial of, 235
Scott, Samuel, trial of, 179
Scott, Sir Walter, 72
Shackleton, H., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Sharpe, Alexander, 349
Shaw, John, arrested, 336
Shell, George, death of, 163
Shepherd, J., trial of, 338
Shirron, James, 304
Skelton, John, 299
Skevington, J., 68
Slater, R., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Small, H., trial of, 338
Smart, elected to Convention, 68
Smith, G.H., elected to Convention, 68; arrested, 152; tried, 178
Smith, J., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Smith, W., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Smithies, trial of, 178
Smyth, James, trial of, 343
Snowball, J., trial of, 338
Solly, Rev.H., 244
Somerville, Alexander, 287
Spencer, Rev.T., 243
Spurr, arrested, 172
Steele, Tom, 46
Stephens, Rev., Joseph Rayner, 55; dismissed from Wesleyan Ministry, 56; speeches, 57, 59, 92, 96; arrest, 98; committed, 100; fund for defence, 101; recants, 157; sentenced, 157; 401
Stephenson, James and William, trial of, 235
Stevenson, Matthew, 302
Storah, Thomas, trial of, 237
Stott, W., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Stratton, A., trial of, 343
Stubbs, trial of, 180
Sturge, Joseph, 203, 241, 255
Summers, 243
Talfourd, Serjeant, 178
Tankey, W. Villiers, elected to Edinburgh Convention, 70
Taylor, Frederick, 220
Taylor, William Dean, 211
Taylor, J., arrested at Bingley, 333; tried, 337
Taylor, Dr. John, elected to first Convention, 28; speech at Glasgow, 121; arrested, 132; prison treatment of, 133; death of, 181
Thomason, William, arrested, 149; tried, 174
Thompson, Colonel, 5, 7; speech by, 49
Thompson, George, dinner to, 285
Thompson, Messrs, of Birmingham, indicted, 158
Tillman, William, arrested, 152, 184
Tomkins, J.R., trial of, 343
Tomlinson, A., sentenced, 337
Townshend, sentenced, 152
Turner, George, trial of, 165
Tyndal, Sir Nicholas, trials before, 165
Urquhart, David, attacks Lord Palmerston, 189
Vale, Rev. Dr., house attacked, 227
Vernon, W.J., 299; sentenced, 335
Vicary, F., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Villiers, M.P., supports Petition, 142
Vincent, Henry, 10; character of, 11; at Northampton, 37; elected to Convention, 53; popularity of, 78; on physical force, 79; arrested, 109; sentenced, 152; again tried, 178; his oratory, 206; on Corn Laws, 206
Wade, Rev. Dr., at Glasgow, 21; elected to Convention, 68
Wakley. Thomas, 5, 6; supports Petition, 142; returned for Finsbury, 284
Wallace, M.P., 142
Ward, Sir Henry, 5, 6
Warden, elected to Convention, 65
Waters, Charles, arrested, 163; sentenced to death, 169
Watkins, J., opposes O’Connor, 261
Weaver, trial of, 180
Webber, G., arrested, 337
Wells, William, committed, 173; tried, 175
West, John, arrested, 230. 338
Wheeler, T.M., at Manchester, 62; 250, 254; impeachment of, 275; 280; motion by, 311
Whone, F., arrested, 333; tried, 337
White, George, arrested, 153; his character, 154; trial, 181; released, 188; second trial, 230; at Birmingham, 245; liberated, 252; again arrested, 337
Whitecombe, H., arrested, 333; trial, 337
Whittaker, T., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Whittle, elected to Convention, 68
Wilkins, arrested, 172
Wilkinson, T., trial of, 343
Williams, David, arrested, 172
Williams, James, his character, 31; speech at Sunderland, 33; arrested, 148; trial, 181
Williams, Joseph, trial, 169; conditional pardon, 256; death, 349
Williams, William, defeated at Coventry, 284
Williams, Zepheniah, arrested, 163; trial, 168
Willman, T., trial of, 343
Willoughby, trial of, 179
Wilson of Leeds, arrested, 153; 181
Winterbottom, W., 333; tried, 337
Wolfenden, Albert, trial of, 238
Wood, J., arrested, 333; tried, 337
Wood, W., trial of, 343
Wright, John, arrested, 151
Wright, Joseph, 37
Yates, Jeremiah, trial of, 240
Young, C., trial of, 180; again arrested, 338